Eyes 2 See Photography: More Than Just A Ring
The ancient words in the Song of Solomon proclaim beautifully, "My beloved is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies."
Imagine the scene, two lovers in the crescendo of life gently whisper their intentions to spend their life learning to love more deeply and sacrificially. One bends down on a knee and opens a box. Inside the box the other finds a beautifully hand crafted ring. But is it the ring that takes our breath away, or is there more to the story?
A ring by itself is nothing without the symbolism and heart behind it. A wedding ring is a visual symbol of the vows we make and live out everyday for the rest of our life. A wedding ring declares to your partner and the world that there is staying power behind our words. It says, I will choose to stay in the game, to cultivate romance and to learn to love no matter what difficulties may come.
Traditionally wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of the left hand. What makes this ring placement so special? Many believe that this finger has an artery that flows directly to the heart. A wedding ring is viewed by many as a symbol of unity, holiness, and devotion while others believe it represents the sun, earth and universe. Whatever you believe, in the end the common and overarching belief is that that your wedding ring represents the genuine love you both share.
As you exchange rings and vows in the coming months, we would like to cheer you on as you choose love, commitment and optimism for the future!
Photography by: Stuart Thurlkill & Nicole King: Eyes 2 See Photography
Luxury Weddings + Lifestyle Portraits Destination Wedding Photojournalists
All images copyright 2003-2016, Eyes 2 See Photography • Accepting Clients Worldwide • Studio: 480.788.6591