Eyes 2 See : Fun Ideas for Valentines Day


Valentine's Day is just around the corner and this year it will be on a weekend! This means dinner at a restaurant just won't make the cut since you have all day to celebrate. As you are planning your valentine festivities we have a few suggestions to make this year special!

1. Start the day by being romantic and sweet.

You know your significant other better than anyone else. What would make their day? You could make breakfast in bed, have 12 roses delivered, give a massage, or write her/him a poem. Always start Valentine's Day on a great note by doing something that really speaks their love language.


2. Do something active! 

As you are finishing your breakfast in bed, make plans to bike around town, hike a mountain, paddle board, take a yoga class, or play golf together. If you are located up north where it's the dead of winter you may have to be more creative. You can go to the local rock climbing gym, take a workout class together, or go ice skating. The saying goes, those that play together, stay together!

3. Get Creative! 

If doing something active isn't your thing, there is always room for other creative options. We love the idea of taking a painting and wine class, cooking something together, or making that DIY project on your Pinterest board that you've been dreaming about.


4. Sign up for DateBox!

As you prepare for your wedding take time for a date night.  Setting good patterns in your marriage is so important for many reasons. Make a point to continue to date one another by signing up for a year of Datebox! Datebox will send you a monthly fun and creative date in the mail. It's literally a date in a box! This could be a great gift to spice up your Valentines Day and would show that you are putting a priority on spending time together as you get closer to your wedding.

5. Movies and take out!

If you both are homebodies this may be the perfect Valentines Day date for you. Order your favorite take out, get candles and set the mood with some romantic music from Spotify. Take some intentional time to talk and listen during dinner and then find a romantic comedy on Netflix. Spending some quality time together with your best friend is always a win in our book.


6. Final Thoughts!

Relationships can be complicated and weddings are stressful. Take time to keep your relationship fresh and fun so that you can cross the "I DO" finish line on the right path. We hope you have an incredible Valentine's Day!


Eyes 2 See : Featured Vendor : Amy Mancuso


Sedona Wedding Photography : Bryan & Hilary